Choosing an Energy Plan: What Every Consumer Should Know


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With rising energy prices and an increasing number of energy providers entering the market, making the right choice for your home or business can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there’s power in knowledge, and this guide aims to arm you with essential information so you can choose the right energy plan.

1. Understand Your Consumption Patterns

The first step is understanding how much energy you use. Whether it’s monthly, seasonally, or annually, having a clear picture of your consumption patterns can help you decide what type of plan is most economical for you.

2. Fixed vs. Variable Rates

There are primarily two types of rate structures:

  • Fixed Rate: Your rate remains constant throughout the contract. This can be beneficial if you anticipate that energy prices might rise.
  • Variable Rate: Your rate can fluctuate based on market conditions. If you’re okay with some unpredictability and believe prices might decrease, this might be an option.

3. Know the Contract Length

Some plans lock you in for several months, while others might commit you for years. Make sure to pick a duration you’re comfortable with and always check for any early termination fees.

4. Green Energy Options

For environmentally conscious consumers, many providers offer plans that source a percentage of energy from renewable resources. Check to see if your provider has green energy plans or options to add green energy to your existing plan.

5. The Power To Choose

As a consumer, you can also use resources like “Power To Choose” to find out the right energy plan that aligns with your needs. Utilize this platform and resources that compare different energy providers, rates, and reviews. By doing so, you can ensure that you’re not only getting the best rate but also choosing a reliable provider.

6. Understand the Additional Fees

Sometimes what looks like a great rate can be inflated by hidden fees. Ask about monthly fees, connection/disconnection fees, and any other additional charges that might be applied to your account.

7. Customer Service

An often-overlooked aspect of choosing an energy provider is the quality of their customer service. Look for providers that have good reviews, offer 24/7 support, and have multiple channels of communication.

8. Loyalty Rewards or Bonuses

Some providers offer rewards, bonuses, or discounts for long-term customers. It might not be a primary reason to choose a specific provider, but it can be a nice bonus if you’re torn between two options.

9. Reviews and Recommendations

It’s always a good idea to check online reviews and ask friends or family for their experiences with particular providers. They can give you an honest assessment that can help in your decision-making process.

10. Plan Flexibility

As life changes, so do your energy needs. Check if your provider allows for plan modifications, upgrades, or downgrades without exorbitant fees.


Selecting an energy plan isn’t just about the cost. It’s about understanding your consumption, knowing what you’re getting into, and ensuring that you’re partnering with a reliable provider.


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