7 Innovative Approaches to Improve Your Google Rankings


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There is no way around an online business’ survival without relying on Google searches. Which means that search engine optimization (SEO) is a vital part of the digital marketing strategy. After all, 93% of online experiences start with a search engine for users.

The top result that appears on the result is 33% more likely to be clicked than others. So, if your website ranks below that, you could potentially lose out on one-third of the traffic for the particular search.

If you’ve already spent a lot of time and effort on ranking higher with little result, maybe you need to incorporate something new. Try the following 7 innovative approaches to help improve your Google ranking. Most of the top agencies providing SEO services follow the same method.

Improve the loading speed of your website

Many businesses aren’t aware of this but Google actually scores you on your page load speed. The longer a page takes to load up, the lower the score it gets which hurts its ranking. Google is all about user experience and users are more impatient today than ever before. If a page doesn’t load up within 3 to 5 seconds, users tend to close out of it. Which is why Google recommends that a website load within 3 seconds. You can make the website lighter by optimizing images, using proper coding, and embedding videos. All of which will help reduce its loading time.

Use videos and infographics to increase user’s time on your site

Video and infographics are more engaging than a page filled with words. Google takes into account how long users spend on a website. The longer users spend browsing through your website, the better it will rank. To increase the time spent on the site, you need engaging content so be sure to add relevant videos and infographics which will keep visitors engaged.

Optimize for mobile devices

It is still puzzling to find that many businesses have yet to optimize their websites for mobile devices. The traffic of searches from mobile devices for products and services continues to increase, currently, over 50% of searches occur from a mobile device. Which is why Google has made it a priority to rank sites that are optimized higher than those that aren’t to serve both desktop and mobile device users.

Make sure your content is shareable on social media

The content you share on your website should have links so it can be shared on social media platforms. The more links that are shared from your website, the better the site ranks. By making sharing easier for visitors, they are more likely to share interesting content they find on your site.

Write long-form content

It is no secret that blogging helps rank higher on search engines. But most opt for short-form, up to 500-word posts. Research has shown that long-form content, between 1,500 – 2,000 words, ranks higher on search engines. This is because you can go more in-depth and provide additional information which you wouldn’t be able to fit in a 500-word post. Google will rank a more authoritative, informative post higher than a shorter one due to it being more in-depth.

Local SEO

Businesses that target a local audience, there is no better way to do it than local SEO. By using keywords that are focused on the location you are based in. When done properly, your business should appear as one of the top results when searched within the area you have optimized for. This approach is perfect for restaurants and local service providers such as dry cleaners, dentists, and so on.

Start the title of your post with the keyword

Research has shown that posts that start their title with the keyword tend to rank higher for it than those that use it later in the title. Try to use the keyword as soon as you can in the title to rank higher for it.


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